IRCN is seeking Postdoctoral Fellow (Project Researcher) who is highly motivated to contribute to the field of computational psychiatry, to work on team science project investigating the computational and neural mechanism of psychiatric disorders (primarily schizophrenia) under the framework of reinforcement learning (and utilizing other computational tools including deep learning). The successful candidate will be expected to develop computational model and behavioral experiments on patients to study the mechanism of psychiatric disorders, inspired by (but not limited to) recent findings on dopamine function (e.g.,, with the possibility of extending to fMRI experiments. The candidate will be able to work or interact with IRCN PIs and collaborating faculties with a wide-spanning backgrounds of computation, cognition, psychiatry and neurobiology, including Shin Ishii, Mingbo Cai, Sho Yagishita, Shinsuke Koike, Haruo Kasai and Kiyoto Kasai, and will be officially hosted in Mingbo Cai’s lab. The candidate will have the opportunity to utilize patient resources of ongoing cohort and clinical studies and the computational and neural imaging resources at IRCN.
Job title
IRCN Postdoctoral Fellow (Full-time Fixed-term Project Researcher)/One
Emplyment Period
Starting Date: Negotiable
The first contact will be ended on March 31, 2021 (due to Japanese fiscal year)
The first contact will be ended on March 31, 2021 (due to Japanese fiscal year)
The contract is renewable on a fiscal year basis (from April 1 to March 31; every year) according to research budget, research activity, and research achievements. But the total period of employment will not exceed 3 years.
Probationary Period
Six months from the date of arrival.
Place of Work
International Research Center for Neurointelligence, Cai lab, with collaboration across multiple labs
The University of Tokyo, Institutes for Advanced Study
7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, 113-0033 JAPAN
*This can be changed due to work circumstances.
The University of Tokyo, Institutes for Advanced Study
7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, 113-0033 JAPAN
*This can be changed due to work circumstances.
Job Description
To design and conduct behavioral (and possibly fMRI) experiment, develop computational models, analyze data and write papers. The research theme is computational psychiatry, towards understanding the mechanism of schizophrenia and other disorders
● Ph.D. or M.D. in Neuroscience, Psychiatry, Psychology, Computer Science or equivalent in a related field
● Good communication skill in English
● Training and research experience in at least two of the following three domains: computational modeling (including reinforcement learning or Bayesian models), human cognition, psychiatry
● Ph.D. or M.D. in Neuroscience, Psychiatry, Psychology, Computer Science or equivalent in a related field
● Good communication skill in English
● Training and research experience in at least two of the following three domains: computational modeling (including reinforcement learning or Bayesian models), human cognition, psychiatry
Working Hours
Discretionary labor system, based on 7 hours, 45 minutes per day, or 38 hours 45 minutes per week
Saturday and Sundays; Statutory public holidays of Japan; Year-end and New
Year holidays(December 29 through January 3)
Paid leaves, Refreshment leave, etc
(In accordance with The University of Tokyo regulations )
(In accordance with The University of Tokyo regulations )
Compensation & Benefits
● Salary: To be determined in accordance with the University of Tokyo Regulations
● Commuter allowance: JPY55,000 per month at maximum
● No retirement benefits or bonuses
● Commuter allowance: JPY55,000 per month at maximum
● No retirement benefits or bonuses
Available Insurances
Eligible for MEXT* Mutual Aid Association membership, employees’ pension, employment insurance, and workers’ accident compensation insurance. (*MEXT: Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
Application documents (in English):
● Cover letter
● Research Statement describing your research interest and history
● Curriculum vita with publication list
● Please arrange 2-3 reference letters to be sent to reinforcement[at]ircn[dot]jp and mention their names and contact information in the cover letter. At least one of them should be a previous employer or supervisor
● Cover letter
● Research Statement describing your research interest and history
● Curriculum vita with publication list
● Please arrange 2-3 reference letters to be sent to reinforcement[at]ircn[dot]jp and mention their names and contact information in the cover letter. At least one of them should be a previous employer or supervisor
Interested applicants should send application materials to: reinforcement[at]ircn[dot]jp
(Please replace [at] with @ and [dot] with . before using this email address)
(Please replace [at] with @ and [dot] with . before using this email address)
Applications Deadline
Application will be reviewed as they arrive, until the position is filled.
All applications will be screened, and only those qualified will be scheduled for an interview (on-site or via video).
All applications will be screened, and only those qualified will be scheduled for an interview (on-site or via video).
Informal inquiries can be addressed to mingbo[dot]cai[at]ircn[dot]jp with a title of [computational psychiatry postdoc] + “your name”
Recruiter Name
The University of Tokyo
* Submitted documents will not be returned.
* Personal information is handled carefully according to the Privacy Policy of the University of Tokyo, and will be used only for the job selection process.
* Travel cost will not be paid in screening process.
*The University of Tokyo promotes gender equality and actively encourages women to apply.
* Personal information is handled carefully according to the Privacy Policy of the University of Tokyo, and will be used only for the job selection process.
* Travel cost will not be paid in screening process.
*The University of Tokyo promotes gender equality and actively encourages women to apply.