Press Release
Branching channel: A building block for tree-structured representations in the brain
Tree structures have been widely used to model intelligent behavior, such as reasoning, problem-solving, and language processing. However, whether our brain uses tree-structured representations is still controversial. In particu… More
Separating signal from noise in the brain
Separating signal from noise in the brainUnderstanding how primate neural mechanism distinguishes between spontaneous and stimulus-related activity
When the brain is observed through imaging, there is a lot of “noise,” which is spon… More -
Early Life Stress Shapes Attention Deficits in Male (But Not Female) Mice [Hensch Lab]
Please see the original article on the website of the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University, [here].… More
Synaptic Strength Regulates Sleep Quantity and Quality
Sleep deprivation typically results in longer and deeper sleep, thereby maintaining overall sleep quantity and quality through homeostatic regulation. However, the specific mechanisms by which the brain monitors and controls sleep … More
The ‘neural clocks’ in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients are running short
Within the human brain, a region known as the left angular gyrus and the way that it “tracks time” have emerged as a crucial player in the development of Alzheimer's disease.
Tokyo, Japan - Alzheimer’s disease is in many ways like a clock whos… More
Predicting psychosis before it occurs: Brain images from thousands of people worldwide have been used to create a machine learning-based classifier that could aid early diagnosis
The onset of psychosis can be predicted before it occurs, using a machine-learning tool which can classify MRI brain scans into those who are healthy and those at risk of a psychotic episode. An international consortium including researc… More
Bullied teens’ brains show chemical change associated with psychosis
The association of bullying victimization, impaired brain development and psychotic experiences The study elucidates how bullying victimization impairs brain metabolism that could be linked to susceptibility for psychotic experi… More -
Elucidating How Eating Sugar Suppresses Pain Response
Disclaimer: machine translated by DeepL which may contain errors.
Tuning of peripheral pain sensation according to the nutritional status of individuals.Mami DOUE (Doctoral Student at the time of research / JSPS Research Fellow, The U… More
Brain inspires more robust AI --A new technique to protect sensitive AI-based applications from attackers--
Most artificially intelligent systems are based on neural networks, algorithms inspired by biological neurons found in the brain. These networks can consist of multiple layers, with inputs coming in one side and outputs going out of the … More
A molecule that eliminates neural synapses offers insights into rare genetic disorders such as Angelman syndrome and autism spectrum disorders.
Researchers from the University of Tokyo reveal how the presynaptic Ube3a E3 ligase, a causal factor in Angelman syndrome, eliminates neural chat. The study helps find a better drug target for the Angelman syndrome treatment.
Neurons ch… More