February 28, 2021: Kavli IPMU / ELSI / IRCN Joint Public Lecture - "A Question of Origins" Report
On February 28, 2021, IRCN, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU), and Earth-Life Science (ELSI) co-hosted the Question of Origin online joint public lecture. Kosuke Fujishima, (Associate Professor, Astrobiology and Synthetic Biology, ELSI), Hiroyuki Miyamoto (Project Associate Professor, Neuroscience and Neurophysiology, IRCN) and Taizan Watari (Associate Professor, Science and Engineering, Kavli IPMU) gave each lecture of state-of-the-art science research. The talks were followed by a discussion, moderated by Takeshi Nakajma, Professor of Institute of Innovative Research, Institute for Liberal Arts, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Lecture 1
What is life? Where do we come from?
Kosuke Fujishima (Associate Professor, ELSI)
Lecture 2
Sleep as a source of Intelligence
Hiroyuki Miyamoto (Project Associate Professor, IRCN)
Lecture 3
Origin and diversity of elementary particles’ mechanics
Lecturer: Taizan Watari (Associate Professor, Kavli IPMU)
For more information, please go to Japanese page.