Course Topics and Lecturers
Brain Architecture
Partha Mitra (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA)
Markus Diesmann (Jülich Research Center, Germany)
Brain Dynamics
Kazuyuki Aihara (IRCN/The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Stefano Panzeri (Italian Institutes of Technology, Italy)
Michelle McCarthy (Boston University, USA)
Machine Learning
Masashi Sugiyama (RIKEN and IRCN/The Unviersity of Tokyo, Japan)
Graham Taylor (University of Guelph and Vector Institute/Google Brain Montreal, Canada)
Jonathan Schneider (University of Toronto, Canada)
Dynamical Systems
Surya Ganguli (Stanford University, USA)
Jun Tani (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
Yasuo Kuniyoshi (IRCN/The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Reinforcement Learning
Kenji Doya (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
Daniel Brunner (CNRS, France)
Brain Development / Disorders
Taro Toyoizumi (RIKEN Center for Brain Science, Japan)
Arvind Kumar (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Nima Dehghani (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Course Details
March 21 to 24, 2019
Sanjo-Kaikan Hall, The University of Tokyo,
Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, JAPAN
Detailed Program
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