January 30, 2022: Kavli IPMU / ELSI / IRCN Joint Public Lecture - "A Question of Origins" Report
On January 30, 2022, IRCN, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU), and Earth-Life Science (ELSI) co-hosted the Question of Origin online joint public lecture. Junko Isa (ELSI Research Scientist), Takamitsu Watanabe (IRCN Principal Investigator, Associate Professor) and Chiaki Hikage (Kavli IPMU Project Associate Professor) gave each lecture of state-of-the-art science research. The talks were followed by a discussion, moderated by Yoshihiro Maruyama, Australian National University Senior Lecturer .
Lecture 1
A tale about understanding materials on Earth by looking at materials from outside Earth
Speaker: Junko Isa (ELSI Research Scientist)
Lecture 2
The Assumption about the Origin of Human Intelligence
Speaker: Takamitsu Watanabe (IRCN Principal Investigator, Associate Professor)
Lecture 3
Uncovering the structure, origin, and growth of the Universe with the Subaru Telescope
Speaker: Chiaki Hikage (Kavli IPMU Project Associate Professor)ng what dark matter and dark energy is.
What does it mean to study an origin
Moderator: Yoshihiro Maruyama (Australian National University Senior Lecturer)
For more information, please go to Japanese page.