Project Associate Professor
Mechanisms and Neuronal Circuits for Information Processing of Vision
The brain is composed of neural circuits consisting of intricately connected neurons. I have been studying the synaptic organization of the neuronal circuits especially for vision. Visual information processed within the visual cortex is carried out at the level of single neurons and at the level of neuronal circuits. I am recording the large number of synaptic responses from single neurons and investigate how single neurons process synaptic inputs and generate output signals. By recording the synaptic inputs, I also investigate how neuronal information represented in individual single neurons is integrated. From these studies, I would like to understand the hierarchical neural circuits in which information of individual neurons is integrated to represent the external world.

Kondo S, Kiyohara Y and Ohki K: Response selectivity of the lateral posterior nucleus axons projecting to the mouse primary visual cortex. Front Neural Circuits 16:825735, 2022.
Kondo S, Yoshida T, Ohki K: Mixed functional microarchitectures for orientation selectivity in the mouse primary visual cortex. Nature Communications 7:13210, 2016.
Kondo S, Ohki K: Laminar differences in the orientation selectivity of geniculate afferents in mouse primary visual cortex. Nature Neuroscience 19:316-319, 2016.
Kubota, Y, Kondo, S, Nomura, M, Hatada, S, Yamaguchi, N, Mohamed, A A, Karube, F, Luebke, J, Kawaguchi, Y: Functional effects of distinct innervation styles of pyramidal cells by fast spiking cortical interneurons. eLIFE e07919, 2015.
1989 Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, Kanazawa University
1991 Graduated from the Life Chemistry Course, Master Program, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
1995 Graduated from the First Basic Medical Science Course, Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo.
1995 Ph.D. (doctorate in medicine) from the University of Tokyo.
1995-1997 Research Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Prof. Alain Marty's lab
1997-2004 Research Scientist at the RIKEN and Assistant Professor at the Institute of Physiological Sciences, Prof. Yasuo Kawaguchi's lab.
2004-2010 Lecturer at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University and at The University of Tokyo School of Medicine, Prof. Shigeo Okabe's lab.
2010-2018 Assistant Professor at the Kyushu University School of Medicine; Assistant Professor and Lecturer at The University of Tokyo School of Medicine, Professor Kenichi Ohki's lab
2018-present Specially Appointed Associate Professor at the IRCN, The University of Tokyo