Dyadic social interaction is considered a central driver of learning in human infants and across species.
This workshop brings together interdisciplinary research tackling the mechanisms underlying interaction and synchrony themselves as well as their effects on cognition.
Date: December 10, 2020 14:00-18:00
Venue: Online (Zoom) and Seminar Room, OIST Seaside House
ZOOM: Link: Click Here
ID: 962 2291 4933
PW: 165707
Sho Tsuji
Monica Barbir
Katja Sangati
Resendiz Benhumea Georgina Monstserrat
Susana Ramirez Vizcaya
Manisha Biswas
Jelena Katic
Tom Froese
【Institute for Developmental Research】
Megumi Kobayashi
【Western Sidney University】
Jessica Tan
【Nagoya University】
Tomoko Isomura
Admission Fee: Free
Program and more information HERE (PDF).