Date: December 17, 2018  9:00-17:45

Venue: Fukutake Hall, Hongo Campus (Access to Fukutake Hall)


  9:00 Opening Remarks
  9:10 David Fitzpatrick (The Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience)
"Functional synaptic architecture of visual cortex” (Abstract)
10:00 Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz (The National Center for Scientific Research)
“Early organization and development of the visual pathway” (Abstract)
11:10 Yukiko Gotoh (IRCN / The University of Tokyo)
“Chromatin-level regulation of neural stem/progenitor cell fate” (Abstract)
12:00 Charles Nelson (Boston Children's Hospital)
“The Use of EEG and Evoked Potentials as Biomarkers in Neurodevelopmental Disorders” (Abstract)
14:00 David Poeppel (The Max Planck Institute, Frankfurt)
“Aligning ears and mouths: the consequences of synchronizing heard and spoken language” (Abstract)
14:50 Yukie Nagai (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
“Predictive Learning: A computational theory of social cognitive development” (Abstract)
16:00 Genevieve Konopka (The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center)
“Molecular networks of cognition” (Abstract)
16:50 Stanislas Dehaene (Neurospin, Ecole des Nuerosciences Paris Ile de France)
“Understanding human singularity : narrowing down the search”
17:40 Closing Remarks

The Secretariat of the International Research Center for Neurointelligence

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