On July 20, 2018, IRCN and the Institute for Quantitative Biology (IQB) co-hosted a special lecture on the “Neuroscience of Episodic Memory” by MIT Professor and Nobel Laureate Susumu Tonegawa, in the Hongo Campus at the University of Tokyo.

About 300 participants heard Prof. Tonegawa talk about his recent work on the mechanism of forming, storing, and retrieving episodic memory from the viewpoint of neural circuit and cellular activity. The lecture also covered recent progress from his laboratory in mapping the cellular substrates of memory engrams in the hippocampus.

Abstract: http://www.iam.u-tokyo.ac.jp/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/2018-Abstract-of-UT-seminar.pdf

Before the seminar, Professor Tonegawa met with young researchers from the University of Tokyo and gave valuable advice on their scientific careers, saying that “Your own curiosity will be a strongest drive for your research.”, “Ask yourself what is most interesting field for you when you decide the next step.”, and “Choose who has done very pioneering and creative work in your selected field worldwide.”